
He was here and now he's gone. 
I want to laugh when I think about how many times I have been to the airport in the last few weeks. Next time it will be my turn to fly again.

I now have seven weeks of happy moments, and beautiful views to reminisce on.
He was always the one taking me to the mountains, and on this day I finally was able to take him to mine. I had a never-ending list of things I wanted to show him. Of course, we only scratched the surface, but even that surface was so so good.

Our first day together started in Little Cottonwood Canyon.
That was as far as my plan went. We were being ourselves, so we went bigger than intended.
We made it up to Cecret Lake and continued all the way to the top of Devil's Castle.
Then we took the back side down and made the usual spontaneous adventure along a non existing path.
Down through the last hints of wildflowers and into the forest.

He appreciates what I love, he sees that same magic in the mountains, and I won't take that for granted.
