Fruit Stands

It was my first time in Asia.
A lot of firsts were happening.

We were constantly snacking on snack fruits. 
They were like little wrapped up crunchy garlic cloves that tasted sort of like hard pineapple with a citrusy note.

I also had my first coconut.
That isn't exactly an Indonesian specialty, but I finally had a fresh coconut.
And I didn't like it.
The consistency was not for me.
Warm coconut water was also something I don't need to ever drink again. 

Then the dragon fruits.
I didn't know if I liked eating them or looking at them more.
Nature really did a good job on that magenta color.

Mangos were still the best.
They taste so much better there than here.
We may have overdone it a little.
If our skin would have started turning a yellowish-orange it wouldn't have been too surprising.
