Always Remember

Last week sucked. 
It didn't even feel like a week, more like a month. 
A month of my body feeling like it was on the edge of it all. 
Stress is the destroyer. 

2016 alone has been hard. 
It was been filled with emotions. 
When I think back on it the bad seem to be overwhelming the good. 

I lost my grandma last Wednesday. 
The strongest smallest little lady. 

I really got lucky with her. 

.my baki. 

I don't think anyone had such a cool, modern and liberal grandmother. 
The things I told that woman. 
She understood it all. 
Regardless of what era she grew up in.

I can only hope to keep my mind open my whole life. 
Keep on moving forward and fighting through the worst of things that life throws at me.

Life can be terrible. 
If I learned one thing from her, is that you have to keep finding the positive. 
Keep finding the things that are worth living for.
Keep moving forward.
People need you.


Today was better.
It has to get better.

I'm looking at the stamps hanging on my bulletin board and remembering her.
Those stamps were for her.
For the letters I wrote her.

It will be a strange adjustment.
Life is weird.
People are here and then they are gone. 

I'm just happy she is at peace now.
And I am happy I knew her the way I did.
I won't ever forget. 

