Packed up the car, threw the bikes on top and headed west towards France.
We were going to wine country.
Or at least one of the many French wine regions.
I missed driving a car.
I felt bad for asking what every sign on the road means..
but I am getting the hang of it.
Next step - getting my european drivers license.
Once we drove into France I took the wheel.
My copilot was asleep, so trying to understand the French on the road was keeping me awake.
It made me feel like I was on a different planet.
Speaking the languages I do, I can usually get around.
French is different though.
I need to learn French, especially if I stay in Germany.
Sitting at a table and not being able to communicate with people whatsoever is hard.
All I could get out of my mouth most of the time was an uhhhhh.
I caught on to BONJOUR and OUI by the end..
So French will be a life goal I have to accomplish.
By the next trip I plan to know something.
.. but anyway
First stop was Dijon.
The city center was pretty and romantic, but driving out I was surprised by how.. well ugly it was.
There was nothing pretty about the outskirts of the city.
Didn't even remind of Germany and it's only three hours away, more like the ugly side of America.
Thankfully we headed South after we made it out of Dijon.
Were the landscape was completely covered in vineyards and villages.
It was as idyllic as I had imagined.