
What to say.. 
I lost myself in yet another month of exams. It is too easy to forget everything else when you are worrying about passing exams and continuing through school. I know it's coming every six months and yet I'm still never prepared for it. Maybe I lie to myself a little and pretend it was better this time around, but it is always the same stress. You always run out of time, don't finish everything you want to and loose all the aspects of you. 

Well it's over again. I can only hope that I have finally learned something from it this time around. 

After the hell that came and went it was time to get away, to do something new.
I didn't think I would be going into colder weather. 
That isn't exactly my idea of a getaway, but it was time. 
It was time to finally make it to BERLIN. 
Berlin.. I have been putting that trip off for years. 
Finally made my way up north.
To the capital city of the country I have been living in for five years. 
It was worth it, especially due to the good company. 
Happy month of love, from Germany.
