Looking Back


March 2020  When life started to go off-book.

The month Corona really took off in Germany. 
The month I couldn’t visit my family after looking forward to it for months. 
The month I was infected with Covid-19. 
The month I was on house arrest/isolation. Hello, quarantine.
The month masks became part of daily life.
The month social life became non-existent. 

Life was so far away from normal. I remember the uncertainty. There was anxiety in the air, especially going to bed every night after watching the news. No one knew what to expect. I didn’t know if I would get even sicker. I was worried about my parents. I didn’t know how many people I might have infected. I didn’t know if we were about to really run out of food or why everyone was stocking up on toilet paper. Life was weird.

Now here we are, seven months in, and it doesn’t even seem strange that you always have a mask within reach. Never expected the craziness to last this long. Also, I never thought half a year of plans would go out the window. But staying positive and hoping that I will see my family at least once in 2020. 

