Big Cottonwood Canyon

Utah gave me another sunshine-filled end to an already perfect summer. The days were busy, and I tried to take advantage of the time with my parents on the weekends.

One sunny weekend we headed up towards Wolverine Cirque. I knew it was asking for a lot, but I love those hikes where it seems like we are the only ones on the mountain. We had our usual Twin Lakes hike, and everyone was motivated for a little more. I took advantage of that, and we ended up climbing two peaks that day. It might not have been the happiest hike after peak one, but we already made it that far so..

We finally made it to the top of Wolverine, and everyone was over it. Then, of course, there was the attempt to find a quicker way down. Those improvised hikes don't always/ever take you where you want to go. We were stuck on the cliffs above Lake Mary, for what seemed like hours(it wasn't). Feeling a little lost on the side of the mountain also lightened up the mood. Plus, finally going downhill didn't hurt either. I learned my lesson though.
Not everyone likes or needs to get to the peak.
