I have never lived in the same city as my parents.
Sure I have lived with my parents, but I have never had my own place in SLC.
Living here I never get the chance to go to my parents house to just hang out because I want to.
So for the first time in my life I got to feel a little bit of that.
They had their own apartment here on their last visit.
It was so nice to be able to take a study break and cruise over to their place for lunch.
To be able to meet them for a walk and ice cream at the end of the day.
Just to be able to see them spontaneously as I pleased.
Oh the little things we take for granted.
Being so far away really makes you appreciate it.
Counting down the days until I can lay around on their couch, cuddle up with the cats and eat good food. All with good company of course.
Count down is starting.