Speicher Stillup

Took a nice cruise through yet another canyon.
I feel like there is a never-ending supply of them here. 

We wandered around the lake a little and then headed up to catch the view from the top.

We made it to the Olpererhütte.
A pretty little guest house/cabin that overlooks the lake.
It would not be a bad place to wake up on a sunny day.

The highlight of this wasn't the bridge or the view, it was absolutely the chickens. 
The chickens get flown up in the spring via heli.
Yes. They fly chickens up to 2,400 m so that I can look at then while I drink my beer, which was also flown in via helicopter. 

I guess that is how you keep a guesthouse at the top of a mountain stocked. 

I was personally hoping that the goats also get flown up, but the little goats had to hike.

