
Well my holiday is officially over.
I'm back in Germany.
Sitting in Frankfurt and drinking some hibiscus tea waiting for my train to Freiburg.
Mostly trying to trick my body that it is actually morning time.

It was an amazing three weeks.
I shed a few tears on the first flight.
I'm surprised it took the tears so long to come, but none the less they came.. as usual.
Regardless the sad stage is over now and I am happy to be getting back into my world.

The stress is going to hit me and hit me hard in about three hours.
I'm excited to see what I can push my brain to in these next four weeks.

Four weeks.. that does not sound like enough at all.
I'll accept the challenge though.
Let's see if I signed up for more than I can handle.

I'll be back in the pathology lab in five hours.
Probably guessing what kind of tumor the professor put in my hand.
Back to school and back to my reality.

And.. So excited for 2015.
