This Corner

Freiburg may not be the biggest or the fanciest city to live in, but it is in a pretty ideal spot.
We are nestled right in the corner.
Perfect reach of France and Switzerland. 
Most places are only a couple hours away by train.
Lyon 5 hours. Paris 4. Genieva 3. Zurich 2. Milan 5. Innsbruck 6. Munich 4. Brussels 6. Amsterdam 7.

It is a little disappointing how rarely we take advantage of that. 
Hopefully with the new year, will come new curiosity. 
I am in a wanderlust state of mind now. 
My head is spinning with all the possibilities and all the places to see.
That feeling has been missing for a while, maybe I was in a stressed and tired state of mind. 
It is back though. 
I'm ready to see things I haven't seen and not be lazy about getting out of this bubble of comfort. 

We did take a little step out. 
Took the train to Basel. 
Chose a night to go watch the ballet and wander around the city a bit. 
Forty minutes and you are in a different country.
Stepping out of the monotonous lifestyle of a student feels good. 
