Food Shock

I don't usually eat meat.
I can't call myself a vegetarian, but I try really hard to live up to certain meat eating standards I have in my head. 
Today I decided to make a dish that requires meat.
I never buy it, so I had no idea what to expect.

First I went to the local butcher shop, hoping to find some of the local farm raised meat. 

Since this is Germany, they were naturally already closed for the weekend at 12:30 on a Saturday. 
So that part of the plan failed. 

Next was an attempt at the organic food store. 

There I found the no antibiotics/raised in the fields chicken I was looking for. 
Then I experienced the shock.
Two small chicken breasts cost 22 Euros (30$$$).

It felt like some sort of joke.

As a student living on a budget that wasn't exactly what I was expecting. 
Now I am wondering what the hell the other meat is.. the meat that is affordable. 
How could it possibly be so cheap in comparison? 
Anyway.. safe to say I will have to find a new recipe.
I will also be continuing my no meat eating ways until I have a job that allows me to buy 40 dollar chicken breasts.

Happy weekend.  
