I got a spontaneous invitation to go upstairs to eat dinner, Tobias was making food. A few people set up a table and chairs on the balcony, and everyone was sitting outside and drinking wine. After everyone ate, the cheese came. A few people went to France for the weekend and they brought back wine, cheese and chocolate. It was a very nice evening and I got to try some new things. Here is what sunsets look like from the ninth floor of my building and a shot of the amazing cheeses.
Dinner Parties
I got a spontaneous invitation to go upstairs to eat dinner, Tobias was making food. A few people set up a table and chairs on the balcony, and everyone was sitting outside and drinking wine. After everyone ate, the cheese came. A few people went to France for the weekend and they brought back wine, cheese and chocolate. It was a very nice evening and I got to try some new things. Here is what sunsets look like from the ninth floor of my building and a shot of the amazing cheeses.
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